Sunday 27 March 2011

Morning GLORY

dis moning i woke up memg terkejut gile waktu dh nk abis subuh...heheheh walau pun tetp ku teruskan juga solat..walaupun owg panggil subuh gajah...nyway tula aslnyer idh bgn b4 six o clock lg...nyway entah camner i kata biarla dulu jap agi i bgn aperr..terus way for next time.:(..
 teruskan tergopoh gapah prepare all thing for my laling nk p skoolll..arinie mia x sempt susu kat on da way i bekalkan dia utk dia minum mane la tahu kot2 dia x mkn breakfast kat permata kan...hehehe...
tinggal psl...mia..

back hubby dh sampia umah...dr keje...terus slm n bgtau sori bang x sempt nk prepare air cz trbgn lmbt...abg ckp x per...mmm dh kt ats meja ade ns lemk yg telah tahu2 jer en husband...

dua bungkus ns lemak...
nie la breakfast we all dis morning..hehehehe

after dis siap la i as my rutin pasti i sakit tengok bju yg bol lpat la bju sesmbil watching ape chef...
ari nie topik la cancer..wah azean irdawaty jd guest..wah2...
yg boleh i share dis thing ialah about watever  she do she gone her rutin exercice,take care her food and everything but for de factor she got the cancer coz mybe she alwez stress..dat i realize...stress not very well for my life..anything..we must release our tension...and this thing i put that into my brain no more stress again ok...and in spite of we caring about our health...heheheh

td i berebut ngn en husbad nk gune komputer...sakit tgn i terkena jugak sekali sekal main rebut2 nie...bkn ape i x sabar nk dedicated my blog...but b4 tue i tlg edit gmbr dia utk msuk dlm fb nyer..hehehe (saje jer nk wat alsan...heheheh) pdn muka.....bwekkss..

antara gmbr yg telah d uplaod kn kedlm Fb en Mohd Faizol tatat

ape nk msak ari nie..yer...cadangan nie i dh pk 2 ari lps cz 2 ari lps dapur i x berasp yela kenduri time..hehehe...lgpun i nk budget lauk2 ...act i mls nk kepsr...ade jugak alsn camnie...

menu for today..msk lemak ikan selar....+ daging msm manis+sayur sawi goreng...
lets preparing lunch.......waacchhhhhhhhha


  1. masak lemak ikan selar+dgg msm manis+sayur sawi....bez2...da lama i xmasak...windu nak masak.:))

  2. hehehhe..bez ker...aik u duk umah pun x sempat nk msk betol miss kiter

  3. haha...mane sempat....g pg balik ptg....dah makan kat sket2 je la...hehe:))

  4. hahaha..x per..penat kn..beznyer jd lect nie....nt sharing yer

  5. orait....ok.jer...nanti follow i nyer blog k...hehe..promote sket:))haha...sharing is caring...

  6. ok..beznyer nt u bgtau ape nama..thanks jaja u follow my blog.....
